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Writing Efficient
Javascript Code

How to write code that modern
VMs can optimize effectively
(focusing on V8)

Thanks to the Organizers

Who am I?

Massimiliano Mantione (software engineer at heart)

I've been working on...

  • Telecom switching stations and Java corporate tools (Siemens)
  • The Mono .NET JIT compiler and runtime (Novell)
  • Porting Mono to gaming platforms (Unity 3D)
  • Virtual tradeshows (Hyperfair)
  • The V8 Javascript engine (Google)

Things I never did

Classical client side web applications (HTML and Havascript)

Back in 1995 I wowed that I would never touch Javascript, even with a 10 foot pole

Eventually I understood that this wicked language has a place in the world...

Javascript is Interpreted...

Who cares about Javascript performance?

Does it actually matter?

Should I care?


And you should care

How many of you would have imagined this in 1995?

Why it matters

It's not about making
your application run faster now

It is about enabling things
that you could not do before

How do you make your
web application faster?

Obviously, you fix what needs fixing!

Ok, how do I know what needs fixing?

You look at your code, understand it and identify the crux of your problem :-)

Problem: find 25000 prime numbers

For x = 1 to infinity:
if x not divisible by any member of an initially empty list of primes,
add x to the list until we have 25000 elements

The contenders: Js
function Primes() {
  this.prime_count = 0;
  this.primes = new Array(25000);
  this.getPrimeCount = function() { return this.prime_count; }
  this.getPrime = function(i) { return this.primes[i]; }
  this.addPrime = function(i) {
    this.primes[this.prime_count++] = i;

  this.isPrimeDivisible = function(candidate) {
    for (var i = 1; i <= this.prime_count; ++i) {
      if ((candidate % this.primes[i]) == 0) return true;
    return false;

function main() {
  p = new Primes();
  var c = 1;
  while (p.getPrimeCount() < 25000) {
    if (!p.isPrimeDivisible(c)) {

The contenders: C++
class Primes {
  int getPrimeCount() const { return prime_count; }
  int getPrime(int i) const { return primes[i]; }
  void addPrime(int i) { primes[prime_count++] = i; }

  bool isDivisibe(int i, int by) { return (i % by) == 0; }

  bool isPrimeDivisible(int candidate) {
    for (int i = 1; i < prime_count; ++i) {
      if (isDivisibe(candidate, primes[i])) return true;
    return false;

  volatile int prime_count;
  volatile int primes[25000];

int main() {
  Primes p;
  int c = 1;
  while (p.getPrimeCount() < 25000) {
    if (!p.isPrimeDivisible(c)) {
  printf("%d\n", p.getPrime(p.getPrimeCount()-1));
Let's RACE!
C++ is about 5 times
faster than JavaScript
I guess that's
not so bad, right?
Of course it is SO BAD!
Don't give up! Demand faster!

How much faster?


Of course it is SO BAD!
Don't give up! Demand faster!

How much faster?



Of course it is SO BAD!
Don't give up! Demand faster!

How much faster?




Of course it is SO BAD!
Don't give up! Demand faster!

How much faster?





How do we know?

Understanding how V8 optimizes JavaScript

What's optimized code?
At each step (high level operation):

Interpreter: lots of branches to select the operation

Fast JIT: machine code with calls to (slow) generic operations

JIT with type info: machine code with calls to specific operations

Optimizing JIT: as above but with compiler optimizations

Hidden Classes

No type info in the source code means no optimizations

Type info could make JavaScript faster (like C++?)

V8 internally creates hidden classes for objects at runtime

Objects with the same hidden class can use the same optimized code

function Point(x, y) {
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;

var p1 = new Point(11, 22);
var p2 = new Point(33, 44);
p2.z = 55;
Avoid the Speed Trap!
Initialize all object members in constructor functions
Always initialize object members in the same order
Fast Numbers

Objects and numbers are very different

Javascript can mix them freely

V8 uses tagging: 1 bit in a pointer

Values can be objects, SMall Integers (SMI) or boxed double

Prefer numeric values that can be represented as 31-bit signed integers
Handling Large and Sparse Arrays

Fast Elements: linear storage for compact key sets

Dictionary Elements: hash table storage otherwise

a = new Array();
for (var b = 0; b < 10; b++) {
  a[0] |= b;  // Oh no!
a = new Array();
a[0] = 0;
for (var b = 0; b < 10; b++) {
  a[0] |= b;  // Much better! 2x faster.
Use contiguous keys starting at 0 for Arrays
Don't pre-allocate large Arrays (e.g. > 64K elements)
Don't delete elements in arrays, especially numeric arrays
Don't load uninitialized or deleted elements
Specialized array elements

Arrays of "pure doubles" are not slow
(thanks to Double Array Unboxing)

Array's hidden class tracks element types

[un]boxing causes hidden array class change

// The bad way
var a = new Array();
a[0] = 77;    // Allocates
a[1] = 88;
a[2] = 0.5;   // Allocates, converts
a[3] = true;  // Allocates, converts

// Hidden Classes for Elements - A Better Way
var a = [77, 88, 0.5, true];
Initialize using array literals for small fixed-sized arrays
Preallocate small arrays to correct size before using them
Don't store non-numeric values (objects) in numeric arrays
Fast or Optimizing?

"Full" compiler can generate good code for any JavaScript

Optimizing compiler produces great code for most JavaScript

"Full" Compiler Starts Executing Code ASAP

Quickly generates good but not great JIT code

Assumes (almost) nothing about types at compilation time

Inline Caches (ICs)

Handle types efficiently in fullgen

Type-dependent code for every operation

Validate type assumptions first, then do work

ICs self-modify at runtime via backpatching

// Consider candidate % this.primes[i] 
this.isPrimeDivisible = function(candidate) {
  for (var i = 1; i <= this.prime_count; ++i) {
    if (candidate % this.primes[i] == 0) return true;
  return false;
push [ebp+0x8]
mov eax,[ebp+0xc]
mov edx,eax
mov ecx,0x50b155dd 
call LoadIC_Initialize           ;; this.primes
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+0xf4]
pop edx
mov ecx,eax
call KeyedLoadIC_Initialize      ;; this.primes[i]
pop edx
call BinaryOpIC_Initialize Mod   ;; candidate % this.primes[i]
Megamorphic attack!

Operations are monomorphic if the
hidden class is always the same

Otherwise they are polymorphic

Monomorphic is better than polymorphic

function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;

add(1, 2);      // + in add is monomorphic
add("a", "b");  // + in add becomes polymorphic
Prefer monomorphic over polymorphic wherever possible
The Optimizing Compiler

V8 re-compiles hot functions with an optimizing compiler

Type information (from ICs) makes code faster

Operations speculatively get inlined

Monomorphic calls and are also inlined

Inlining enables other optimizations

;; candidate % this.primes[i] 
cmp [edi+0xff],0x4920d181   ;; Is this a Primes object?
jnz 0x2a90a03c              
mov eax,[edi+0xf]           ;; Fetch this.primes
test eax,0x1                ;; Is primes a SMI ?
jz 0x2a90a050               
cmp [eax+0xff],0x4920b001   ;; Is primes hidden class a packed SMI array? 
mov ebx,[eax+0x7]
mov esi,[eax+0xb]           ;; Load array length
sar esi,1                   ;; Convert SMI length to int32
cmp ecx,esi                 ;; Check array bounds
jnc 0x2a90a06e             
mov esi,[ebx+ecx*4+0x7]     ;; Load element
sar esi,1                   ;; Convert SMI element to int32
test esi,esi                ;; mod (int32)
jz 0x2a90a078               
idiv esi
Emergency bailout

Not everything can be optimized

Some features prevent the optimizing
compiler from running (a "bail-out")

Optimizing compiler "bails-out" on functions with try {} catch {} blocks
Aaarg... deoptimization!

Optimizations are speculative
Usually, they pay off


throws away optimized code

resumes execution at the right place in "full" compiler code

Reoptimization might be triggered again later, but for the short term, execution slows down

Avoid hidden class changes in functions after they are optimized
Know your tools

Logging what gets optimized: --trace-opt

How to find bailouts: --trace-bailout

Detecting deoptimizations: --trace-deopt

Using the profiler: --ll-prof and

Passing V8 options to Chrome:
--js-flags="--trace-opt --trace-deopt --trace-bailout"

Are you prepared?

Ensure problem is JavaScript

Reduce to pure JavaScript (no DOM!)

Collect metrics

Locate bottleneck(s)

Fix problems(s)

// Come on...

print("Let's make it...");
//         _          _                  _          _            _            _      
//        /\ \       / /\               / /\       /\ \         /\ \         /\ \    
//       /  \ \     / /  \             / /  \      \_\ \       /  \ \       /  \ \   
//      / /\ \ \   / / /\ \           / / /\ \__   /\__ \     / /\ \ \     / /\ \ \  
//     / / /\ \_\ / / /\ \ \         / / /\ \___\ / /_ \ \   / / /\ \_\   / / /\ \_\ 
//    / /_/_ \/_// / /  \ \ \        \ \ \ \/___// / /\ \ \ / /_/_ \/_/  / / /_/ / / 
//   / /____/\  / / /___/ /\ \        \ \ \     / / /  \/_// /____/\    / / /__\/ /  
//  / /\____\/ / / /_____/ /\ \   _    \ \ \   / / /      / /\____\/   / / /_____/   
// / / /      / /_________/\ \ \ /_/\__/ / /  / / /      / / /______  / / /\ \ \     
/// / /      / / /_       __\ \_\\ \/___/ /  /_/ /      / / /_______\/ / /  \ \ \    
//\/_/       \_\___\     /____/_/ \_____\/   \_\/       \/__________/\/_/    \_\/    
eval("Put your code here!");                                                                                   

Writing efficient Javascript Code

That's all...
Slides and code at

Use a spacebar or arrow keys to navigate

Verona, May 16 2013